We are yet again so very grateful to Bea Grasselli for entrusting us with this delightful girl. Coming to us all the way from Hungary, she is everything a Golden is known for: eager to please, deeply affectionate, game for anything, and simply beautiful.
"Kitti" is a very popular human name in Hungary and we just loved the idea of saying, "here Kitti, Kitti, Kitti!" Goldens are such fun-loving dogs and this girl is no exception. She happily comes running to us, oblivious to the play on words and aware only that she is about to receive the greatest of all gifts: petting! If you were to engage in a game of wills to see who would give up first - your arm due to fatigue or her body due to sitting still, my money is on Kitti. She LOVES being pet and sits statuesque so as not to interrupt the petting event. She's just so sweet.
Physically, we are crazy about this girl. She is very "typey" for an English Golden - that is, she possesses the conformation that distinguishes English Goldens from their American counterparts. Shorter legs, wider chest, shorter snout, broader skull. She is absolutely gorgeous and we are thrilled to meet her puppies, as they promise to have dense bone structure, pale coats, jet black pigment, and gentle demeanors. Perfect English Goldens.
Hips: Cleared in Hungary
Elbows: Cleared in Hungary
Eyes: Cleared in Hungary
Heart: Cleared in Hungary
PRA1&2: "CLEAR" by parentage
Icthyosis: "CARRIER"